MySQL Connector/ODBC (also known as MyODBC) allows you to connect to a MySQL database server using the ODBC database API on all Microsoft Windows and most Unix platforms, including through such applications and programming environments such as Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, and Borland Delphi.
Functionality added or changed:
Support of ODBCINSTGetProperties in MyODBC Driver (WL #7577)
Add DFLT_BIGINT_BIND_STR option to Connector/ODBC GUI (Windows and Linux)
Accessibility features in Connector/ODBC Linux GUI (WL #7635)
Bugs fixed:
Connect crash if the catalog name given to SQLSetConnectAttr is invalid (Bug #17587913)
Driver returns wrong length for output parameter streams (Bug #17814768/70946)
Assert failure in case of prepared statments and SQLDESCRIBECOL() called with column number given larger then actual parameter marker in query. (Bug #17311065)
SQLFetch() crashing when execute using UnixODBC 2.3.2 (Bug #17857204)
Segmentation fault in SQLSpecialColumns if table name is invalid (Bug# 17854697)
Invalid order of free() functions can cause crash (Bug# 17992912)
Crash in ODBC Driver with CHARSET=WRONGCHARSET (Bug# 17999659)
Driver and myodbc-installer crash with long option names (>100) and values (>255) (Bug# 17966018)
ODBCManageDataSourcesQ4 cannot run MyODBC GUI setup to edit an existing
DSN (Bug# 18046123)
SQLGetData returning error being called after SQLParamData (Bug #17842966)
Valgrind: jump or move depends on uninitialised value error from myodbc-installer (Bug# 18046120)
Memory leak in sqlexecute() when connection is killed from another thread (Bug#17587617)
Data corruption in SQLBulkOperations because of buffer overrun. (Bug #17714172)
Segfault in SQLBulkOperations() for SQL_UPDATE_BY_BOOKMARK when select returns 0 records. (Bug# 17714358)
MS Access crashed when sorting a column (Bug# 17071780/69550)
Empty query giving segmentation fault in myodbc_casecmp (Bug# 17085344)
Uninitialized variable free_value can set wrong error in SQLDescribeCol (Bug# 17588101)
ODBC 5.2.5 DMG installer fails on OSX 10.8.5 (Bug #17512040/70422)
Bulk insert on time column with hour value > 99 gives error (Bug#17613161)
Concurrent execution of SQLEndTran() with SQL_HANDLE_ENV results in SEG FAULT (Bug #18166331)
Workaround to GTK bug in GtkComboBox and GtkComboBoxEntry (WL #7637)
ODBC Driver GUI in Windows has wrong order of controls selection (Bug# 18240696)
Wrong installation library directory on some 64bit system other than x86_64. (Bug# 68848)
SQLNumResultCols() with NULL parameter results in Segmentation Fault (Bug# 18165197)